Website Design Build tell your story


Your website design is the foundation of your digital marketing presence. Above all else, your website is what Google, Bing and Yahoo search for when a potential customer types in your product for their search. Let your website tell the story of your business. It should be easy to navigate, tell your customer about who you are, what you sell and how the customer can make their purchase. 

Yes social media is of the utmost importance but overall, trust is built through your website. A customer might see your paid social media ad or your organic social media post and be intrigued but validity is added to your name when they visit your website. This is where the Know, Like and Trust is finalized. Your website design should tell your story so that the customer can know more about you. Your website design should be built in such a manner that is easy to navigate and creates a solid call to action in order for your customer to stay on your website (this is the like). Your website should showcase positive reviews or purchase notifications when visitors are navigating your website (this builds the trust factor). 

By building out the Know, Like and Trust aspect of Social Media and Digital Marketing, potential customers see validity in your product and the likelihood of them completing their path to purchase is amplified. 



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